The three CAMPA sites offer excellent opportunities for accelerator physicists to collaborate with applied mathematicians and computer scientists in a coherent structure. LBNL, for instance, is the home not only of accelerator-modeling expertise, but also a pair of invaluable central resources for modeling and simulation: a strong and highly collaborative computational research division, and the National Energy Research Supercomputing Center. The result: working together in a coherent structure to produce advanced algorithms, realized in more-capable codes with more-accurate multiphysics content, thus accelerating the pace of advancement in accelerator science.
CAMPA’s set of codes enable a unique breadth of capability for the modeling of beam dynamics and electromagnetics in particle accelerators. Combining suitability for high-performance computing (HPC) environments, advanced algorithms, and relevant physics, these codes provide a modeling and simulation capability to the accelerator community that is unmatched by existing efforts in the commercial and academic sectors. With application to linacs, rings, transfer lines, light sources, RF structures, injectors, particle traps, high-gradient structures (including dark currents), electron cloud effects, dielectric laser, and plasma-based accelerators, these codes have a wide base of users at over 50 institutions in the United States, Europe and Asia.
Most of the CAMPA codes were developed in part, and sometimes almost entirely, under the Department of Energy’s Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program and have been instrumental to its success. CAMPA codes had a leading or important role in all six of the key accomplishments that were listed in the final SciDAC-2 Community Petascale Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation (ComPASS) report.
SLAC: Advanced Computational Electromagnetics 3P (ACE3P)
The ACE3P suite incorporates 3-D frequency and time domain parallel finite-element electromagnetic (EM) and particle-in-cell (PIC) codes as well as multi-physics codes including integrated electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical effects for the modeling of accelerator cavities and structures. ACE3P includes:
- Omega3P: complex eigenvalue solver for finding the normal modes in an RF cavity.
- S3P: s-parameter solver to calculate the transmission in open structures.
- Track3P: particle tracking code with surface physics to study multipacting and dark current.
- T3P: time-domain solver for transient response to driven fields & beam excitations of wakefields.
- Pic3P: PIC code to simulate self-consistent electrodynamics of charged particle beams.
- TEM3P: multiphysics module to perform integrated EM, thermal & mechanical analysis.
LBNL: Beam, Plasma and Accelerator Simulation Toolkit (BLAST)
BLAST incorporates 2-D and 3-D finite-difference and spectral electrostatic/electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC) codes for the modeling of beam dynamics in particle accelerators, including beam-beam effects, electron clouds, collisions, emission from surfaces, and laser-plasma acceleration. BLAST codes led or co-led by Berkeley Lab include:
- BeamBeam3D: three-dimensional, parallel electrostatic PIC code for the modeling of strong-strong or strong-weak beam-beam interactions in high energy colliders.
- IMPACT Suite: 3-D parallel electrostatic PIC framework for modeling high intensity, high brightness beams in rf proton linacs, electron linacs and photoinjectors. It consists of two parallel particle-in-cell tracking codes. IMPACT-Z uses longitudinal position as the independent variable, and allows for efficient particle advance over large distances, as in an rf linac. IMPACT-T uses time as the independent variable, and is needed to accurately model systems with strong space charge, as in photoinjectors. It incorporates an rf linac lattice design code, an envelope matching and analysis code, and a number of pre- and post-processing codes. IMPACT draws upon MaryLie for high order optics based on Lie algebraic maps.
- ImpactX: a fully new implementation of IMPACT-Z using modern software design, novel numeric algorithms and GPUs.
- INF&RNO: INF&RNO (INtegrated Fluid & paRticle simulatioN cOde) is a 2D cylindrical PIC/fluid framework designed to efficiently model plasma-based electron accelerators, with particular emphasis on laser-driven particle acceleration.
- POSINST: 2-D electrostatic PIC code for electron cloud buildup studies. POSINST has a detailed secondary electron yield module.
- HiPACE++: the Highly efficient Plasma Accelerator Emulation in C++ is an open-source, parallel, 3D quasi-static particle-in-cell code to simulate beam-driven and laser-driven plasma acceleration. A full re-write of the legacy code HiPACE, HiPACE++ runs on CPU as well as GPU, demonstrating large speed-up over CPU-only implementations. HiPACE++ supports openPMD format for input and output, and features advanced algorithms (explicit field solver, adaptive time step) as well as multi-physics capabilities like Coulomb collisions, ADK model for field ionization, ion motion, and temperature effects. More info here.
- FBPIC: a specialized electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell code for simulations of laser-wakefield acceleration and plasma-wakefield acceleration, with close-to-cylindrical symmetry. The code can run on multi-CPU and multi-GPU architectures (NVIDIA only), and uses a cylindrical geometry to speed up simulations.
- WARP: 2-D and 3-D parallel electrostatic and electromagnetic PIC general framework for modeling of particle beam generation, transport in accelerator lattice, neutralization in plasma, laser-plasma acceleration, etc. Using WARP together with POSINST enables fully self-consistent electron cloud effects studies.
- WarpX: a fully new implementation of WARP for Exascale supercomputers, modern software design, novel numeric algorithms and GPUs.
BLAST codes are a multi-institutional, multi-fidelity set of compatible codes. Please see the BLAST homepage for further codes and details.
Fermilab: Synergia
Synergia is a hybrid Python/C++ package for single or multiple bunch accelerator simulations utilizing PIC methods. Synergia includes fully nonlinear and symplectic independent-particle physics, as well as symplectic linear maps, arbitrary-order polynomial maps and non-linear map analysis, as well as collective effects, including space charge and wake fields, in various approximations ranging from the very simple to computationally-intense, 3-dimensional field calculations. Synergia’s scriptable interface allows for arbitrary logical and ramping operations during the course of a simulation.
A Unique Breadth of Coverage
CAMPA’s codes complement each other and comprise the widest variety of models that is available in the community. Such a complete set allows for covering a wide breadth of needs for accelerator modeling.